The following tips can help you maintain your Prosthesis:

  1. Call your Prosthetist for repair: The moment you notice that your prosthesis has developed a fault you can’t repair, please reach out to your Prosthetist immediately for repair. Trying to fix it yourself when you don’t have the skills may end up causing more harm than good.
  2. Check for loose screws and bolts: When you use your prosthesis for a very long time, the screws and bolts might get loose over time depending on the quality of the prosthesis, you can easily tighten the screws and bolts, but if you get confused at any point, please reach out to your Prosthetist immediately.
  3. Listen for unusual sounds: One way to know that your prosthesis has developed a fault is, if it begins to make unusual noise. It is an indication that it is faulty. Do not continue to use it that way, please return to the prosthetist for adjustments and repairs.
  4. Check for cracks: Always be on the lookout for cracks and breaks in your prosthesis. If you notice any, it could be an indication that something wrong is going on and your prosthesis is gradually falling apart. Quickly return it for adjustment and repairs.

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