Often times, we have the zeal to read but get tired or discouraged just few minutes after starting. If you need tips to help you read for more hours, then this article is for you:
- Avoid distractions: Note things that might distract you when you start studying. Things like your phone or other devices that might distract you. You can try using textbooks and hard copy dictionaries instead of checking up things online using your phone or PC.
- Don’t study when you are hungry: Hunger is another factor to be put into consideration. If you try studying while hungry, you may lose concentration and end up not reading for long. Be sure to eat healthy foods and avoid junks.
- Review your reading spot: One question you must ask yourself is- “which reading spot is most effective for me?” Analyze the times or moments that you were able to read for a long time, where was it? On the bed? Or in the library? You need to know what works for you. Use the reading spot where you were able to read for a long time. Make it your reading spot.
- Try to relate what you are studying to your personal life: This will not only help you to read for hours, it will also help you to remember what you read and internalize it.
- Take a break to keep yourself refreshed: If you really want to study for hours, it is advisable to take a break after one hour and then continue. Studying for over 2-3hours at once might make you feel tired and less motivated. You can take a 10-15 minutes break before you continue.