These tips will help you know how to clean your prosthesis to avoid infection:
- Clean the gel liner: It is very important to clean the gel liner because this part is in direct contact with your skin. Clean it every day if possible. Here’s the steps in cleaning it:
- Remove the liner from the prosthesis
- Clean the outside, then turn it inside out
- Wash this part with anti-bacterial soap and warm water
- Rinse very well and dry it with a clean cloth
- When it is fully dried, turn it again and keep it
- Clean your prosthetic socks: It is also advisable to clean your prosthetic socks daily. Always remove it and wear a fresh one each day, especially if it gets soaked with perspiration.
- Clean the prosthetic socket: Even though there is no direct contact of the socket with your skin, it is still advisable to clean it at least once a week using soap and water. This cleaning should be carried out with precautions following the tips given by your prosthetist to avoid damage to the components.