skills, competence, knowledge


If you have ever wondered how possible it is to acquire all the skills pertaining to Prosthetics and Orthotics, then you are not alone. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Utilize Social Media: The social media is a wonderful platform to help you know lots of things. To acquire skills pertaining to Prosthetics and Orthotics, you can subscribe to Prosthetic and Orthotic Channels on YouTube and Websites such as to watch how fabrication and another related practical are being carried out.
  • Practice what you have learnt: learning about Prosthetics and Orthotics or watching these skills being practiced is not enough. You must take action by practicing what you have learnt. You can meet your lecturer in charge of the practical session and schedule a meeting date for a personal practical session. It is advisable to work with your superiors so you can ask questions and take corrections when necessary.
  • Use your free time wisely: If you are studying in a State or Federal University, make good use of period of strikes to engage in unofficial industrial training or clinical exposure. You will have lots of opportunity to meet patients and learn lots of skills. You can also go to a P&O center during short breaks and holidays to gain more knowledge about the P&O Profession.
  • Attend workshops/Conferences: This is also an excellent way to gain exposure and acquire some skills. Workshop (Hands on) is an avenue to learn and interact with professionals in your field of study, hear them speak and also get professional answers to your questions. Plenary sessions are also of much benefit.



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