Anterior crucial ligament when was singularly repaired needs be supported using a brace to provide stability and keep another ligament from over compensating for your injured ACL. Here are some of ways you can use ACL.

  1. Sit properly: The best way to sit when putting on an ACL brace is to sit on the edge of a chair with the affected knee straightened to about 75% angle.
  2. Place the brace correctly: The hinge of the ACL brace should be placed about an inch higher than your Kneecap. The hinge will help to keep your knee bent at a certain angle and will limit the range of motion.
  3. Fold the foam wrap over from the outside of your leg: Although, there are many kinds of ACL braces, most of them have foam wrap that folds and wraps around your leg. First fold the foam wrap over your leg. Then take the foam wrap from the insides of your leg and fold it over making sure that both sides of the wrap fit around your leg very well. Then take the foam and wrap from the insides of your leg and fold it over, making sure that both sides of the wrap fit around your leg very well.
  4. Reinforce the calf and thigh straps: The major anchors of support for your knee are the lower calf strap and the upper thigh strap and should be reinforced tightly. They help to provide support and stability.
  5. Secure the tibial strap: The tibial strap supports your knee especially as it begins to straighten out. The more reason why it should be properly secured. It also helps your front thigh muscles to contract.
  6. Set the hinge at the allowed degree of movement: Be careful about setting each dial because even the slightest difference in the degree that the dials are turned may lead to unnecessary stress on your ACL. Be sure not to extend the prescribed range of motion.
  7. Wear the brace while sleeping: Ensure not to take off the brace to sleep especially for the first 2-4 weeks after your surgery. Sleeping with the brace on will help you to recover quickly and will keep any injury from happening to your ACL while sleeping.



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