A beautiful lady born with no congenital deformity developed a wrist-drop deformity during her Honey moon. She had gone to bed that night with her husband completely okay and happy. The excitement of finally getting married made them drink to stupor and dozed off thereafter. Unfortunately, she woke up feeling a sharp pain in her hands, and was unable to open her hand or extend her thumb. Further diagnosis proved that she has developed a wrist-drop deformity mainly caused by her husband lying on her arm all through the night, thus compressing her radial nerve unknowingly.
Saturday night palsy which is also known as honeymoon palsy is basically, a compression of the radial, median, or ulnar nerves (or some combination of these), from an arm hanging over the back of a bench, a chair, or other hard surface leading to compression within the axilla (armpit).
The term Saturday night palsy originates from the association between Saturday night carousing and the stupor that follows, leading to a prolonged period of immobilization during which nerve compression can take place. This compression then leads to a nerve palsy causing motor and sensory deficit.
It is also called honeymoon palsy when an individual falls asleep on the arm of another and consequently compressing that person’s nerve.
You will know if you have Saturday night palsy when you experience any or a combination of these symptoms:
- Numbness
- Weakness
- Tingling sensation
- Sharp or burning pain
- Inability to extend the thumb
- Difficulty with opening the hand and grasping object
- Wrist drop
These are some of the ways you can avoid Saturday night palsy:
- Avoid putting prolonged pressure on your upper arm
- Avoid behaviors that can lead to nerve damage such as repetitive motions or remaining in a cramped position while sitting or sleeping
- Be conscious of your sleeping habits
- Take a break or switch between tasks that require different movements if your occupation requires repetitive motions.
Didn’t know about Saturday night palsy before now? Well, now you know!
Be safe, and keep in mind, a life of probity is worth living!